Saturday, March 5, 2016

I have been absorbing Cuba still but want to document my photos of mostly early 60's American made cars, in better than pristine condition for the most part.  Obviously these cars have had loving care (needed because of political based in embargo, including auto parts). 

I like to image that some rich car collectors will eventually come to Cuba and pay the owner of the car a handsome price, thus rewarding them for their dedication. 

The downside is that none of them would pass emission standards.  There have been incidents of poor air quality in Cuba, but do not know where or why.  So I lack cause and effect evidence.  

When I was a teenage boy it was expected that you should be able to tell the make and year of the car that passed in the street.  I found myself challenged to recall the information.

After this post I will provide others about our trip.  So hope you enjoy the photos. Clock on one if you want to make it bigger.